Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It is a waste of your time to have a nice website without and visitors coming to it. However that is the main problem most Internet marketers face. Social networking is an Internet marketing phenomenon that is changing all that for people who use it correctly.
I recently read an article where an Internet marketing guru developed a list of followers on Twitter that was over 50,000 people. He instantly became the number one salesperson for it when he completed an update regarding the new affiliate marketing product that he endorsed.
That really is the power of social networking with a site such as Twitter. I should also point out that he had done over 19,000 Tweets so he was very well known to his list of followers.

When you combine recognition with a large list you can drive visitors to any website you want with the social networking site. The same thing is true with other social networking sites as well.
For example it is been reported that Facebook figures to go over one billion members in 2011. It currently is the number two most visited website on the Internet behind Google.
People hang out on Facebook all day with their friends. However you can also benefit from website traffic and your Facebook account as well.
When you make a blog post you can social bookmark it directly to your Facebook homepage. When somebody comes to your page they will see that post and that is potential traffic for you.

I mention Twitter and Facebook because they are the two largest social networking sites and can bring you the most website traffic. However there are many niche social networking sites you can join as well.
For example LinkedIn is one that brings business professionals together. This is a great source for joint venture partners, potential traffic, and other things that can come from having a membership there.
As with anything on the Internet these tools are only as good as how you use them. You need to become an active Internet marketer and social network if you expect to derive visitors to your site from them.
There are tools available that will help you automate building your friends and followers list on Facebook and Twitter. If you really want to increase the amount of people you can influence try automating as many functions as possible.
These are free traffic tips as they pertain to social networking. If you are not on board you probably need to get started because the sites are definitely here to stay. Plus it is a fun way to get more website traffic.

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